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General Terms and Conditions

This Agreement is entered into between, on the one hand, [Partner Name, Company Information] (hereinafter referred to as the “Partner”), and on the other hand, VR Global Solutions Kft., with its registered office at 1016 Budapest, Naphegy Street 39, Tax ID: 25984408-2-41, represented by Topic Roko, CEO (hereinafter referred to as the “Distributor”).

The Parties hereby agree to the following:


The Parties acknowledge that the Partner is an individual entrepreneur or business entity engaged in marketing, sales, or consulting, etc.

Furthermore, the Parties acknowledge that the Distributor is a business entity engaged in the distribution and development of software products.

Detailed Terms of the Affiliate Partner Program

1. Participation Requirements

The Participation Requirements govern the terms and conditions of use for the Sales Innovo affiliate and partner program (hereinafter “Sales Innovo”).

The Sales Innovo partner program is free and allows members to generate revenue by using their own custom registration links during their sales processes, placing them on their websites or other sales platforms, as well as through personal referrals that promote products distributed by Sales Innovo. If a customer makes a purchase through this link, the partner receives a commission on the purchase. The base commission rate is currently 10%.

Commissions are paid in the form of “lifetime commissions,” meaning commissions are paid for every monthly or annual fee paid by the customer.

After registering 100 customers, the Partner is eligible to build a sales team as follows:

  • Sales Representative: First 100 customers – 10% direct commission.
  • Sales Manager: Between 100 and 200 customers – 10% direct commission + 5% indirect commission for the team (criteria: a minimum of 3 Sales Representatives registered in the Affiliate program and a minimum of 100 historical customers). If one of the colleagues reaches the Sales Manager level, the Partner will not receive a commission until they are appointed as Sales Director.
  • Sales Director: After 200+ customers – 10% direct commission + 3% indirect commission for the entire team (criteria: a minimum of 3 Sales Managers promoted in the Affiliate program and a minimum of 200 historical customers).

The range of products eligible for commissions includes digital products set by the Distributor in the Affiliate campaign and communicated to the Partner in electronic written form.

In addition to the general terms, the following participation requirements apply to the Sales Innovo partner program.

2. Partner

An organization or individual entrepreneur (hereinafter “Partner”) joining the partner program can place their registration link on their website or other sales platforms and promote the products offered by Sales Innovo.

3. Commission System

The Distributor provides access to its Commission System on the website, allowing the Partner to use advertisements for the Distributor’s products on their sales platforms. The Distributor rewards the Partner in accordance with these terms. The Distributor pays a 10% direct basic commission for purchases made through the Partner’s link.

4. Conditions for Entry into the Commission System

Participation in the partner program is free.

To enter the Commission System, a registration request must be submitted through either completing the registration form or by electronic mail. After this, the Distributor will provide the access details by email. The organization or individual entrepreneur becomes a Partner in the moment of registration confirmation. At this moment, the contract takes effect, and both parties are obliged to fulfill their obligations as set out in the individual contract and the general terms and conditions.

Extra benefits: For every 3 successful direct deals/registrations, Sales Innovo may provide 1 additional lead from our marketing campaigns. Sales Innovo evaluates the assessment of the benefit unilaterally and decides its eligibility unilaterally. Sales Innovo can unilaterally increase or decrease the number of benefits.

5. Partner Rights and Obligations

The Partner may only place their links on high-quality and content-appropriate websites, which they must submit to the Distributor for approval beforehand. The Partner cannot participate in the partner program with websites that:

  • contain links to entire groups of banners or web pages;
  • contain or use malicious code (Adware and/or Spyware) on visitors’ computers;
  • contain paid links;
  • have their own partner program;
  • use cookie dropping, pop-ups, and ad layers. The use of cookies is permitted only if they are approved in advance by the visitor;
  • are still under development.
  • contain content that violates the laws of the European Union. Content promoting violence, discrimination, incitement, or explicit or pornographic material is also prohibited. Content that is incompatible with good taste, manners, and/or offensive to certain social groups or communities is also prohibited.
  • contain comparative advertising, such as aggressive comparative advertising that may damage the relationships of those involved and provoke unjustified competition.

If the Partner breaches these terms, they forfeit their right to commission on purchases. In this case, Sales Innovo may terminate the contract immediately. If the Distributor has suffered damage due to the Partner’s breach of contract, the Partner is obliged to fully compensate for the damage.

The Partner is entitled to commission payments as long as they have an active account in the Distributor’s affiliate system.

If the account is terminated, the Partner is no longer entitled to commission payments.

6. Advertising Systems

Guidelines for Google’s own advertising system:

  • Unauthorized use of trademarks and the use of misleading expressions that may cause confusion with trademarks used in ad texts is prohibited.
  • The use of trademarks and misleading expressions that may cause confusion with keywords is prohibited.
  • Unauthorized use of trademarks and the use of misleading expressions that may cause confusion with visible URLs is prohibited.
  • Unauthorized use of trademarks and the use of misleading expressions that may cause confusion with the Gmail Sponsored Promotions (GSP) sender is prohibited.
  • Creating a remarketing segment targeting visitors to is prohibited.


  • Use of trademarks as exclusion keywords.

No fines are imposed on partners participating in CJ. SalesInnovo may terminate the contract immediately and exclude the Partner from the affiliate program if they breach these contract terms.

7. Use of Links

The Partner can only offer links approved by the Distributor and provided by the Distributor to their customers. The Partner is not authorized to offer any other discounts, discount codes, or similar offers unless approved by the Distributor. If the Partner breaches this obligation, they lose their right to commission on purchases.

8. Advertising Elements

The advertising elements used within the Commission System are protected by copyright. Their use is only allowed within the Commission System. The HTML code, graphic design, and other textual content of advertisements (e.g., banners) cannot be modified without the consent of the Distributor. Misuse of advertisements or their unauthorized alteration may result in the immediate exclusion of the Partner.

The use of advertising elements outside the Commission System is strictly prohibited, especially copying and distributing them. This also applies to electronic databases and electronic information tools. Other legal limitations based on data protection and copyright regulations apply.

The promotion of the Affiliate Program with SPAM, such as unsolicited email, SMS, forum posts, is strictly prohibited. Violation of these conditions will result in immediate termination of this contract after a warning.

9. Commissions

The Distributor pays a commission to the Partner for legitimate purchases made through the Partner’s link (Legitimate Purchase: a visitor places a completed order on the Distributor’s website through the Partner’s link). The commission is calculated at 10% of the net order value. The Partner is entitled to a commission when the customer successfully makes a purchase. The Partner is entitled to a commission when the order goes through the multi-step confirmation and invoicing process. No commission is paid on amounts refunded under the money-back guarantee.

In case the commission or link changes, the Partner will be notified.

The Commission System does not cover services such as shipping fees, cash-on-delivery fees, etc.

The amount to be paid is calculated based on the statistical data in the Commission System and is continuously trackable in the Commission System.

10. Settlement

In accordance with the ninth point, the Partner is entitled to invoice a 10% intermediary commission based on the net sales value, as calculated in the Commission System, as follows:

  • Customer name: VR Global Solutions Kft.
  • Customer headquarters: 1016 Budapest, Naphegy Street 39.
  • Tax ID: 259844-08-2-41
  • Payment method: credit card
  • Payment deadline: every 15th day of the month (calculated from the previous month’s revenue)
  • Invoice can be issued: at the beginning of the month concerned by the settlement but no later than the 10th business day.

11. Personal Data

By registering for the Affiliate program subject to this Agreement, the Partner consents to the Distributor storing their data.

The Distributor will not transfer the Partner’s personal data to third parties and will use it only to provide information related to the Commission System.

The Partner can change their personal data at any time.

The Partner can withdraw their consent to the processing of personal data by sending an email to [email protected].

12. Validity of the Agreement, Termination Deadline

This Agreement is valid indefinitely. The contract may be terminated by mutual agreement between the Parties or by the unilateral statement of either Party.

The contract can be terminated in writing or by electronic mail with a notice period of 7 days, without giving any reasons.

In case of a breach of the contract, either Party can terminate the contract immediately and unilaterally. This right applies to the contracting parties in case of a breach of any condition, including minor points.

Upon the termination of the contract, the Partner must remove all used advertising elements and links from their website and other sales platforms immediately, but no later than within 24 hours.

Upon termination of the contract, the Distributor will close the Partner’s account in the Commission System after the 7-day notice period has expired. In the event of contract termination, the Partner is no longer entitled to commissions on active monthly fees.

13. Final Provisions

The purpose of these Business Terms and Conditions is to comprehensively regulate the specified conditions for the completion of tasks between the Distributor and the Partner.

The Distributor reserves the right to amend the contractual terms of the Affiliate program. At least 7 days prior to the amendment, the Distributor will notify the Partner of the modified provisions via email. If the Partner does not submit a contrary statement before the amendment takes effect, the amendment shall be considered accepted. If the Partner submits a contrary statement before the amendment takes effect, the contract shall terminate on the day the amendment takes effect.

The contracting parties will maintain contact electronically. The Partner will use the email address used for logging into the Commission System.

The contractual terms comply with the applicable legal regulations and follow the relevant decrees, orders, and data protection and copyright regulations.

The contract becomes effective upon the registration of the Partner in the Affiliate program and the approval by the Distributor.

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