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Privacy Policy

On the basis of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free flow of such data (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR)

Name of the data controller: VR Global Solutions Kft.

Represented by: Topic Roko

Headquarters: 1016 Budapest, Naphegy utca 39

Mailing address: 1016 Budapest, Naphegy utca 39

Email address:  [email protected]

Telephone contact: +36704212172

WEB page:  (not accessible for the blind and visually impaired)

The Company does not employ a data protection officer.

The Company manages the scope of personal data specified in the section on the scope of persons involved in data processing, the purpose and duration of data processing

Profiling: the Company does not use profiling data management

The Company uses cookies on its website.

During visits to the Website, we send one or more cookies – i.e. a small file containing a sequence of characters – to the visitor’s computer, through which his browser can be uniquely identified. These cookies are provided by Google and are used through the Google Adwords system. These cookies are only sent to the visitor’s computer when certain sub-pages are visited, so we only store the fact and time of visiting the given sub-page, no other information.

The use of the cookies sent in this way is as follows: External service providers, including Google, use these cookies to store if the user has previously visited the advertiser’s website, and based on this, external service providers – including Google – display ads to the user – on the websites of its partners. Users can disable Google’s cookies on the Google ads opt-out page. (You can also indicate to users that they can also disable cookies from third-party providers on the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page.)

Used cookies:

– Analytics, tracking cookie

– Tracking via website

– Login, user identification session cookie

The “Help” function in the menu bar of most browsers provides information about whether in the browser

how to disable cookies,

how to accept new cookies or

how to instruct your browser to set a new cookie or

how to disable other cookies.

The Company does not collect personal data on its website.

I. Legal basis for data management

Data management is necessary for the fulfillment of the contract or based on legislation.

The provision of data is voluntary, the data subject is not obliged to give his consent to the data management, but at the same time he acknowledges that in the absence of providing the data, the Company cannot start or continue the business relationship with him.

II. The range of persons involved in data management, the purpose and duration of data management

The data management covers the data of  all  partners / customers / principals  (data subjects).

The Company manages personal data solely for the purpose of providing the services and payments specified in the commission contract to the affected parties (data is limited to a specific purpose).

The Company manages the following data:

Data Type Purpose and Reason for Data Management Duration of Data Management
Private Client’s Family and Surname, Address, Email Address, Telephone Number Creation of the Contract, Contact In the case of a framework agreement, 8 years following its termination, in the case of a case assignment, 8 years following its completion (Accounting retention)
Name, Email Address, Telephone Number of the Private Person Representing the Partner-Entrepreneur Creation of the Contract, Contact In the case of a framework contract, 3 months following its termination, termination of representation, and 3 months following its completion in the case of ad hoc assignments
Sole Proprietor Name, Headquarters, Sole Proprietorship Card Number, Bank Account Number, Email Address, Telephone Number Creation of the Contract, Contact In the case of a framework agreement, 8 years following its termination, in the case of a case assignment, 8 years following its completion (Accounting retention)
Data collected by individuals for ordering cheese: Name, Email Address, Shipping Address, Billing Data, Phone Number Fulfillment of the Order, Issuance of an Invoice 8 Years Following the Issuance of the Invoice
Name, Email Address, Date of Subscription of the Subscribers to the Newsletter Provision of Information, Contact From Subscription to Withdrawal, or If the Email Sent for the Purpose of Data Clarification Remains Without an Active Response, then for 3 Months from the Date of Sending the Data Clarification Email
Personal data of users of the company’s social media pages (non-closed group) Facebook /Google+ /Twitter /Pinterest /Youtube /Instagram /Linkedin etc. Voluntarily registered name on social media pages, as well as the user’s public profile picture To All Affected Persons Who Voluntarily Registered On Facebook /Google+ /Twitter /Pinterest /Youtube /Instagram /Linkedin Etc. Social Pages, And “Liked” The Company’s Website, Providing Information, Maintaining Contact The data subject can find information about the source of the data, its management, as well as the method of transfer and its legal basis on the given social page. Data management takes place on social media pages, so the duration and method of data management, as well as the options for deleting and modifying data, are governed by the regulations of the social media page.
Personal data of users of the company’s social media pages (closed group) Facebook /Google+ /Twitter /Pinterest /Youtube /Instagram /Linkedin Etc. Voluntarily registered name on social media pages, as well as the user’s public profile picture For all interested parties who have voluntarily registered on the company’s Facebook /Google+ /Twitter /Pinterest /Youtube /Instagram /Linkedin etc. social media pages and requested to be included in the closed group, providing additional information for them, maintaining contact : From Acceptance of Application to Withdrawal or Exclusion. Data management takes place in the closed group of the community page, so the duration and method of data management, as well as the options for deleting and modifying data, are regulated by the first recorded post of the given group.
Blog Post on the Company’s Website: Name, Email Address Publication of a personal diary opinion based on voluntary contribution that can be viewed by anyone through the company’s web interface, enabling the subscriber to write a comment The processing of the provided data lasts until the data subject withdraws his consent in writing.
Blog post Notifier: Email Address When writing a comment, by checking the appropriate box, the subscriber has the option, based on his voluntary contribution, to request a notification when a new comment is received for the given blog post. The processing of the provided data lasts until the data subject withdraws his consent in writing.
The Name, Email Address, Billing Address, Delivery Address, Telephone Number, Date of Subscription, Data of the User’s Computer, Which Are Generated When Using the Service and Which are Recorded by the Data Controller’s System as an Automatic Result of Technical Processes, by Cookies Your PC’s Custom Browser Sales, Provision of Information, Contact From Subscription to Withdrawal
Name, Address, Name and Number of Identity Cards of the Claimant/Complaint Assessment of Claims / Complaints Based on Legal Procedure 5 Years from Sending the Answer

Provision of the data is a condition for the provision of the service of the Enterprise included in the contract, in the absence of such provision, or in the event of a subsequent request for their deletion, the service cannot be used.

III. Scope of data controllers

The employees/agents of VR Global Solutions Kft. are considered persons entitled to data management .

ARC. Data transmission, data processing

The Company transfers data.

The data processor Enterprise uses an accountant to perform accounting tasks.

V. Rights of data subjects related to data management

Right to information: at the request of the data subject, the data controller is obliged to provide information of an appropriate size, language, simple language and easy to find information about the essential aspects of data management (who, what, why, how, from where, for how long).

Right to access: the individual can request information on whether data processing is taking place concerning him and, if so, which data are being processed.

Request for correction of data: the data subject can indicate that the processed data is inaccurate and can request that what is displayed instead of it – please note that the data controller is responsible for the accuracy of the data, so it is advisable to check their accuracy from time to time.

Right to erasure: the data subject can request the erasure of their data at any time. If the data controller has allowed third parties access to the data requested to be deleted, it must inform all those to whom the relevant data has been disclosed to delete all references and personal data stored with them.

The right to restrict data processing: in certain cases, the person affected by the processing of personal data may request the processing of personal data to be restricted – for example, in an unclear, legal dispute situation, or when data processing is no longer necessary, but the data subject still wants it.

Right to data portability: the data subject can request to receive the data processed about him in a segmented, widely used, machine-readable format (e.g. .doc, .pdf, etc.), and he is also entitled to transmit this data to another data controller without that the original data controller would prevent this. That is, it facilitates the situation of those affected by data management to transfer their personal data from one data controller to another.

Right to object: the data subject has the right to object to the processing of his personal data for a specific reason at any time for reasons related to his own situation. This typically happens when the data subject has not given his consent to the processing of his personal data.

Right to withdraw consent: the data subject has the right to withdraw his consent at any time. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of data processing based on consent prior to withdrawal.

The data subject may request the exercise of his rights related to his data by means of a statement addressed to the data controller orally, in writing, by postal address, e-mail address, website – preferably in the forum through which the data was lawfully sent to the data controller.

If the data subject has a complaint about data management, we recommend first to do so with the data controller (i.e. the Company). The data controller has 30 calendar days to investigate and respond to the complaint. If you still maintain your complaint, contact the court or the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority at the following contact details:

Postal Address: 1530 Budapest, Pf.: 5.
Title: 1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet Fasor 22/C
Telephone: +36 (1) 391-1400
Fax: +36 (1) 391-1410
E-mail: [email protected]
URL Http://Naih.Hu
Coordinates: It is 47°30’56”; K 18°59’57”

This Information Sheet may be modified by the Company, the current information is available on the Company’s website.

Budapest, April 12, 2018.

VR Global Solutions Kft.

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