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General terms and conditions

1. Introductory provisions

These general terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as ” Terms and Conditions “) contain the conditions for the use of the service (hereinafter referred to as ” service “) operated by  the service provider (hereinafter referred to as ” Service Provider “) and the  terms and conditions applicable to the user of the service (hereinafter referred to as ” Customer “).

The current version of  the  General Terms and Conditions  is available on the Service Provider’s  website at (hereinafter ” website “).
The handling of the  Customer’s  personal data is provided for in the Data Management Information, which is available at the following link:
The language of the contract is Hungarian. The contract is not a written contract, they are not filed by the  Service Provider  , so it cannot be accessed or viewed afterwards.

The technical information required for the use of  the  service , which is not contained  in these GTC  , is provided by the information available on the website .

For the purposes of these  GTC  and the contract concluded based on it, a ” consumer ” is defined as a natural person acting outside the scope of his profession, independent occupation or business, who buys,  orders, receives, uses, makes use of  services from  the Service Provider , as well as Recipient of a commercial communication or offer due to a service .

2. The Service Provider

Service provider name:  VR Global Solutions Kft.
Headquarters:  1016 Budapest, Naphegy utca 39.
Company registration number:  01-09-300024
E-mail:  [email protected]

3. Conditions for using the services, subject of the contract  3.1. Conditions for using the services

The  service can be used by a Client  who is a natural person who has reached the age of 18 and who is capable of acting, or a legal person or a business organization without legal personality  .

The Customer  who uses  the  service and enters into the relevant contract declares that, according to Hungarian legislation, he is an adult of legal age and, on behalf of the organization he represents, is generally entitled to independently make the declarations necessary for concluding a contract or  has the appropriate authorization to enter into a contract for the service .

3.2. Subject of the contract
The  Service Provider  publishes the exact content of  each  service , the technical conditions and functions of their use on its website , and reserves the right to change prices. The individual service  types are as follows:

  1. HOSTING service:  Web hosting  service , which the  Customer  can use to serve websites, online applications, store files, databases, and operate email addresses. This is only available in connection with the application(s) and functions that can be requested by the Service Provider.
  2. DOMAIN service:  Delegation and maintenance of a top-level domain or the subordinate second-level public domain. The service does not include a domain registration option, only the option of domain settings related to the application.
  3. CRM service:  Other services related to customer data owned by the customer, which  are available to the Customer  on an administration interface.
  4. CMS service:  Website  service that  helps the Customer  publish text, images and other materials using built-in functions.
  5. Marketing services:  Email campaigns, SMS campaigns, Social media campaigns, Google My Business chat management, Web chat management, construction of complex sales funnels. The list of services is constantly expanding.
  6. Other services:  Software development, sales, graphic works, campaign management. Individual services are subject to an individual agreement, so the General Terms and Conditions are entitled to lay down the conditions for the use of the software.

4. Subscriber contract
4.1. Creation of the subscriber contract

4.1.1. Registration, Order

The  Customer  can indicate his intention to conclude a subscription contract by placing an order on the  Service Provider’s website , with which he simultaneously accepts the provisions of these  General Terms and Conditions and the Data Management Information. The order is placed with a simultaneous user registration, during which the  Customer  provides his username, password, name, billing and mailing data and the e-mail address that  he wishes to use for future contact with the Service Provider (hereinafter referred to as ” contact e-mail address “). The order sent is considered a binding offer on the part of the  Customer  to use the service included in the order  under the terms and conditions contained in the  General Terms and Conditions and the descriptions published on the  website for  the service .

4.1.2. Confirmation

After sending the order electronically, the  Service Provider  will confirm the order immediately, but no later than within 48 hours,  in an e-mail sent to the contact e-mail address provided by the Customer  . The confirmation e-mail contains  the login data of the Customer  portal, where the data entered during registration and ordering (e.g. invoicing information, etc.) are also available. This confirmation e-mail  is regarded as acceptance by  the Service Provider  of the offer made by  the Customer  with the order, which establishes the subscription contract between the Service Provider  and the  Customer  . The present  General Terms and Conditions , the Data Management Information and  the documents necessary for the performance of the service  are an integral part of the subscriber contract.

4.1.3. Correction, modification

If  the Customer  has already sent his order to the  Service Provider  and notices an error in the data in the confirmation e-mail, he must notify the  Service Provider  within 1 day in order to avoid the fulfillment of unwanted orders.

4.1.4. Subscription contract

An order accepted (confirmed) within the deadline is considered a contract concluded electronically, which is subject to Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code, Act  CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of electronic commercial services and  services related to the information society. are governed by the law.

If the  Customer  is considered a consumer, the contract falls under the scope of Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26.) on the detailed rules of contracts between the consumer and the business, and it is kept in mind by the European Parliament and the Council on consumer rights 2011/ 83/EU directive.

The regulation of the consumer’s right to withdraw from the concluded contract is contained in point 14.3.

4.1.5. Right of inspection

The  Service Provider  is entitled to check the  Customer’s  data and  the authorization of the person representing the Customer using public databases (register of companies, register of sole proprietors). The  Service Provider  is entitled  to request from the Customer other documents necessary for the provision of  the service  (domain application form, copy of signature address, company statement, other declarations).

4.2. Scope and duration of the contract  4.2.1. Scope of contract

The parties conclude the contract for an indefinite period. The start of the subscription period is the date of placing the order, regardless of whether the  Customer  has fulfilled his other obligations related to the  service up to that date.

The  service  is activated when the fee for the first period  has been paid by  the Customer  (it has been credited to the Service Provider  ‘s bank account).

4.2.2. Closing date
The closing date of the  service  will be the last day of the paid period. There is no way to pause or suspend  the  service by the Customer  ( at the Customer’s  request) within the scope of the subscription  , and then resume it at a later date. 4.3. Free trial option, test period  is not available, or the Service Provider may allow it based on individual request. The Service Provider maintains the related changes and the formulation of individual offers for each customer.

In case of individual request, the trial option  is available once  per Customer and  per service based on the Service Provider’s individual assessment and unilateral decision , and may be extended at the Customer’s  request based on the  Service Provider’s  individual assessment and unilateral decision, the  Service Provider  is not obliged to justify the refusal of the extension.

During the test period, the  Customer  may use all or some of the functions available in  the  service , but  the Service Provider  is entitled to limit or disable certain functions during the test period, or to refuse the test period. During the test period, the  service provider is not liable for the quality requirements (e.g. availability time), response times, guarantees and related sanctions for the service.

During the test period, the  service  can be terminated at any time without reason. If the  Customer  does not indicate by placing an order before the end of the test period that  he does not wish to use  the service beyond the test period, the subscription contract will automatically continue at the end of the test period and the Service Provider  will automatically extend it, create the paid  service , with all its data and settings. In the case of an order, the contract remains in effect beyond the test period and the rights and obligations contained therein (including the Service Provider  obligation to provide full functionality  and the Customer  obligation to pay the fee  )  are charged to the parties according to the conditions applicable to the full (live) service .

Unless otherwise stipulated in these  GTC  , the rights and obligations contained in these GTC are also burdened by the parties during the test period  .

The  Customer  expressly acknowledges that the test period can only be used with the intention of opening the application or  creating a website  , if any other intention is proven (copying intellectual property, business espionage, etc.) The  Service Provider  will cancel the  service with immediate effect, and the  Customer will can claim compensation.

5. Service fee, invoicing 

5.1. Service Fee

The  Service Provider  provides the  service on the basis of its current fee schedule, which  is published on its website . The fees are valid for average usage. The Service Provider is entitled to individual price calculations and price changes related to the services.

The  Customer  has the right to change the reason for the service used  and the payment cycle. In case of expansion of the range of services, the  Service Provider  will charge a time-proportional differential fee. In the case of narrowing the scope of  the  service , the Service Provider  will not refund the fee paid for the remaining period.

The  Service Provider  may unilaterally modify the fees listed on each  website (list) and thus the fees agreed in the contract, or  in the event of a change in the composition of the service or the content of packages, with immediate but not retroactive effect. The Service Provider  will notify the  Customer of the amendment  at the contact e-mail address at least 7 calendar days before the amendment takes effect. If the  Customer  does not agree with the amendment, he may terminate the contract according to the termination rules defined here.

Fees marked with “SALE” or other  discounts provided by the Service Provider  contain a one-time discount, accordingly, from the period following the discount period, the normal, non-discounted fees apply. The Service Provider  unilaterally decides on the duration of the discounts, the terms and conditions for using the discounts, their extent, and their withdrawal  .

The  Service Provider  reserves the right to  determine different  service fees for each country based on the Customer’s  location.

The  Service Provider  may charge a separate fee for the use of functions that are not part of the  service  . The  Service Provider  informs the Customer about the fees for the individual  services , offers, improvements and their conditions of use in the individual price offer. The price offer is valid for 3 months without special provisions. On the basis of the price offer, the  Customer  can order the individual  services and improvements, which the service provider performs according to the terms of the price offer, from the contact e-mail address. The service provider  issues an invoice or fee request for the use of individual  services and improvements in accordance with the individual price offer, which the customer settles within 8 calendar days.

Functions requested on the basis of a separate order may increase the monthly fees in certain cases.

Individual offers may include discounts in some cases. The extent and deadline of the individual discounts  may change based on the individual assessment and unilateral decision of the Service Provider .

General discounts:  extension of consumer protection right of withdrawal, waiver of registration fee, waiver of training fees, waiver of integration fees, waiver of connections.

5.2. Invoicing

In case of ordering or continuous use of  the Service , the Service Provider  will automatically prepare an electronic invoice within 5 working days for the amount paid by the Customer at predetermined intervals, which  will be sent to the Customer’s contact email address .

The  Customer  declares that he accepts an electronic invoice and takes care of printing it himself.

6. Liability, rights, obligations

6.1. Taking responsibility

  1. The customer  may use  the  services solely at his own risk and responsibility, and accepts that the Service Provider  excludes its responsibility for property and non-property damages arising during the use to the fullest extent permitted by law, i.e. it is not liable for them. The limitation of liability does not apply to liability for a breach of contract that is intentionally caused and damages human life, physical integrity or health. Thus, in particular,  the Service Provider  excludes its responsibility to the fullest extent permitted by law with regard to indirect or consequential damages, thus especially with regard to lost profit, lost revenue, downtime, loss of data, and reduction of “goodwill”.
  2. The  Service Provider  excludes all responsibility  for the behavior of customers or users of goods or services provided with the help  of the service .
  3. The Customer  is obliged to ensure that during the use of the  service , the rights of third parties and the laws in force are not directly or indirectly violated by the  activity performed  by the Customer  in connection with the  service . The customer  is fully and exclusively responsible for his own conduct, in such cases the  Service Provider  fully cooperates with the acting authorities in order to detect violations of law.
  4. During the use of  the  service, the Service Provider  is entitled, but not obliged, to check the content made available by  the Customer  or users of the  Customer’s service , and is entitled, but not obliged, to look for signs of illegal activity in the published content.
  5. The  pages of the service  may contain connection points (links) that lead to the pages of other service providers. The  Service Provider  assumes no responsibility for the data protection practices and other activities of these third-party service providers.
  6. Due to the global nature of the availability of  the Internet and the  services provided on it, the Customer  accepts that when using the  service ok, he is obliged to take into account the provisions of the relevant legislation in force, so he is particularly obliged to ensure that the  activities carried out using the service ok comply with the consumer protection rules . If  any activity related to the use  of the service is not permitted according to the law of  the Customer’s  country, the Customer is solely responsible for the use.
  7. The customer  acknowledges and accepts that the  Service Provider  strives to continuously maintain the legal compliance of the legal documents provided for the  service (in particular,  the model general contract terms and data management information provided for the SHOP service ), but therefore does not assume any warranty. Ensuring the legal compliance of  the  Customer’s  own activities at all times is the Customer’s  task and responsibility.
  8. In addition to the warranties specifically undertaken by  the Service Provider  here,  the Service Provider  is not responsible for the quality of  the service , the cooperation with  other services , or the Customer’s  ability to achieve business or other goals  .
  9. The customer  acknowledges that  he chooses the services offered by  the Service Provider  and their functionality based on his own judgment and on his own responsibility in order to achieve his own business goals.
  10. The  Service Provider  is solely responsible for the reasons for the service provided on the basis of the contract  and for compliance with the laws of the governing law applicable to its own activities.

6.2. Rights and obligations of the service provider

  1. The customer  may use  the  services solely at his own risk and responsibility, and accepts that the Service Provider  excludes its responsibility for property and non-property damages arising during the use to the fullest extent permitted by law, i.e. it is not liable for them. The limitation of liability does not apply to liability for a breach of contract that is intentionally caused and damages human life, physical integrity or health. Thus, in particular,  the Service Provider  excludes its responsibility to the fullest extent permitted by law with regard to indirect or consequential damages, thus especially with regard to lost profit, lost revenue, downtime, loss of data, and reduction of “goodwill”.
  2. The  Service Provider  excludes all responsibility  for the behavior of customers or users of goods or services provided with the help  of the service .
  3. The Customer  is obliged to ensure that during the use of the  service , the rights of third parties and the laws in force are not directly or indirectly violated by the  activity performed  by the Customer  in connection with the  service . The customer  is fully and exclusively responsible for his own conduct, in such cases the  Service Provider  fully cooperates with the acting authorities in order to detect violations of law.
  4. During the use of  the  service, the Service Provider  is entitled, but not obliged, to check the content made available by  the Customer  or users of the  Customer’s service , and is entitled, but not obliged, to look for signs of illegal activity in the published content.
  5. The  pages of the service  may contain connection points (links) that lead to the pages of other service providers. The  Service Provider  assumes no responsibility for the data protection practices and other activities of these third-party service providers.
  6. Due to the global nature of the availability of  the Internet and the  services provided on it, the Customer  accepts that when using the  service ok, he is obliged to take into account the provisions of the relevant legislation in force, so he is particularly obliged to ensure that the  activities carried out using the service ok comply with the consumer protection rules . If  any activity related to the use  of the service is not permitted according to the law of  the Customer’s  country, the Customer is solely responsible for the use.
  7. The customer  acknowledges and accepts that the  Service Provider  strives to continuously maintain the legal compliance of the legal documents provided for the  service (in particular,  the model general contract terms and data management information provided for the SHOP service ), but therefore does not assume any warranty. Ensuring the legal compliance of  the  Customer’s  own activities at all times is the Customer’s  task and responsibility.
  8. In addition to the warranties specifically undertaken by  the Service Provider  here,  the Service Provider  is not responsible for the quality of  the service , the cooperation with  other services , or the Customer’s  ability to achieve business or other goals  .
  9. The customer  acknowledges that  he chooses the services offered by  the Service Provider  and their functionality based on his own judgment and on his own responsibility in order to achieve his own business goals.
  10. The  Service Provider  is solely responsible for the reasons for the service provided on the basis of the contract  and for compliance with the laws of the governing law applicable to its own activities.

6.2. Rights and obligations of the service provider

  1. The  Service Provider  is entitled to charge a fee for additional  services and, in the last case  , to limit or disable  the service if the Customer  occupies the resources to a greater extent than average, or the load caused  threatens the continuous provision of the service . At the latest at the same time as the restriction or blocking  , the Service Provider  will notify the Customer by e-mail  with a deadline of 7 calendar days to take care of the termination of the unusual use or to contact the  Service Provider for the purpose of an offer and conclusion of a contract regarding the unusual use.
  2. The Service Provider uses an external supplier to serve the services, functions and traffic-type campaigns (SMS, Emails) requested by the Customer, whose fees are further charged to the Customer.
  3. The Service Provider charges the fees of external suppliers to the Customer based on individual calculations.
  4. The Service Provider informs the Customer about the fees related to individual suppliers on its own website (Fees for Emails). The Customer can view the fees related to the exchange of text messages (SMS, WhatsApp messages, artificial intelligence calls, email verification service, etc.) on the following page:, https:/ /
  5. The Service Provider places an additional margin on the additional charges, the rate of which in the case of text messages is: 23%.
  6. The Service Provider places an additional margin on the additional charges, the rate of which in the case of Emails is: 33%.
  7. The  Service Provider  strives to back up the files, data, and settings on its servers at regular intervals, and to do everything expected of it  to protect the Customer’s  data. At the same time, the  Customer  acknowledges that in case of data loss for any reason, the  Service Provider  does not guarantee the complete and up-to-date recovery or recoverability of the data. In the event of data loss due to the  Customer’s  fault, the Service Provider  can ensure the restoration of the data  (if possible) against a separate fee, the options and fee schedule of which is determined individually in each case.
  8. The  Service Provider  may unilaterally expand, narrow, or regroup the functions of the  service , modify the appearance of the interfaces,  introduce or terminate  certain services or functions without prior notification at any time. The Service Provider  endeavors (but does not guarantee) to inform the  Client of any such modification, providing a preparation time of at least 7 calendar days .
  9. For maintenance and customer service purposes, the  Service Provider  is entitled  to log in to the administration interface of the service used by the Customer ,  modify  settings there, perform test processes, and place measurement codes on the website that facilitate optimization and troubleshooting.
  10. In the course of providing  the  service,  the Service Provider  , as a data processor, has access to the data managed by the  Customer  and the content posted by the  Customer  , and can learn about them. The  Service Provider  processes this data exclusively for the purpose of providing the  service  , does not use it for its own purposes, and does not disclose it to third parties.
  11. During the performance, the  Service Provider  may use a subcontractor, in which case the  Service Provider  is responsible for the performance of the subcontractor as if the work had been performed entirely by the Service Provider.

6.3. Customer rights and obligations

  1. The Customer accepts the fees for the functions connected to the requested external suppliers and is obliged to pay their payment in addition to the specified monthly fee to the Service Provider in advance at periods determined by the Service Provider.
  2. The  Customer  can freely use the  service 24 hours a day, every day of the week, for his own benefit or for the business organization he represents. The  Customer  is obliged to comply with all laws related to his activities. The  Service Provider  strives to provide appropriate functions for this, however, it does not guarantee legal compliance, the assessment of whether the given  service  in the offered state complies with the relevant legal regulations  is the task and responsibility of  the Customer  , therefore the Service Provider  does not stand up to the authorities, neither to the  Customer nor to third parties.
  3. The  Customer  is solely responsible for all content, data, information  posted by the Customer, and  for the activities conducted by  the Customer  , and for its legality.
  4. The technology and purpose of  the  service is to provide the Customer  with technical assistance and functions in order to  establish a relationship or other legal relationships between the Customer  and the  Customer’s  partners, customers, customers, users or visitors. Accordingly, between the parties, the  Service Provider  only and exclusively fulfills the role of technical service provider and information storage and transmission as the  Customer’s  fulfillment assistant, thus for the use of the  service and for legal declarations and communicated content to third parties (thus, in particular,  the authenticity of the products and services contained in the application and in terms of sales) the  Customer  is solely responsible for the third parties connected with him. During the activity performed by the Customer  , it is forbidden  to communicate or make statements indicating that the  Service Provider  is in any way responsible for the activity performed by the  Customer  . Possible legal disputes related to the activity are settled only and exclusively between the  Client  and the  Client’s  partners, clients, customers, users or visitors, or between the  Client  and the relevant professional authority, in which the  Service Provider  only participates on the basis of legally binding authority decisions or on the basis of legal provisions.
  5. The  Customer  may not transfer the order, the concluded contract, or the services used under the contract  to a third party, may not allow it to be used, or provide it for free or in exchange  for services  without the express permission of the Service Provider  .
  6. The  Customer  is obliged to immediately notify the service provider of any errors detected in the  service .
  7. The  Customer  is obliged to report any changes in his/her data that were recorded at the time of the conclusion of the contract, especially regarding the  contact email address . The Service Provider  assumes no responsibility for damages resulting from failure to do so  .
  8. The  Customer  has the right to create additional users or to notify the Service Provider of their need to use the  service . The  Customer  is obliged to choose a secure password of sufficient complexity to use the  service (simultaneous use of upper and lower case letters, numbers and other characters) and to keep the usernames and passwords necessary for use secret. The Customer  is solely responsible for damages resulting from unauthorized access or the  activities of additional users created by  the Customer  . The Customer  is obliged to notify the Service Provider immediately  if his access (authentication) data has been obtained by an unauthorized person, so that the  Service Provider  can take the necessary measures. It is the  Customer’s  task and responsibility to change the authentication data (e.g. password) that has fallen into unauthorized hands on the administration interface. The  Service Provider  is not responsible for damages resulting from failure to do so.
  9. The  Customer  can use certain functions of the  service  (e.g. payment by bank card) only by concluding a contract with a third party.
  10. In the case of the DOMAIN  service  , the  Customer  accepts the delegation conditions and rules for the requested domain endings, communicated by the domain registrar.
  11. The  Service Provider  may set a numerical limit for the use of functions marked as unlimited in the  service description provided by  the Service Provider  .

7. Technical conditions, availability  7.1. Technical background provided by the service provider

The  Service Provider  provides the  services on servers provided or mediated by it. It is not possible to operate  the  service on the background of a server not provided or mediated by the  Service Provider  , except in the case of the DOMAIN service  . The  Service Provider  provides the  service with the greatest possible availability. In the context of availability, the  Service Provider  guarantees access to the hardware and software serving the  services . When calculating the availability, the duration of pre-announced maintenance, as well as the duration of improper operation of individual sub-functions, are not counted as outages.

The Parties declare that in the event of a mediated function or service being stopped, the Service Provider is obliged to do everything in order to restore the intended operation.

The  Service Provider  is obliged to do everything possible to ensure that the  service is continuously available, but for errors beyond its control (including, but not limited to, possible information losses resulting from the operation of the Internet network, overloading, malfunctions caused by third parties, errors resulting from incorrect handling) assumes no responsibility.

If the  Service Provider  does not meet the agreed level of availability, the Customer cannot claim a fee reduction or additional compensation or reimbursement, however, the Parties declare that providing a high level of service is the Service Provider’s most important business goal.

The  Service Provider  can move the  Customer’s services between the servers, depending on their utilization. The Service Provider  reserves  the right to change the technical parameters and bandwidth of the service servers . The  Service Provider  may make such changes without prior notification to the  Customer  , the resulting outages will reduce the availability time.

The  Service Provider  assumes no responsibility for the  operability, interoperability and/or future integrability of external applications and services developed by third parties that  cooperate with and/or can be integrated into the service . The  availability time of  the service will not be reduced by outages caused by external applications and services provided by third parties , even if the given application or  service is provided or recommended  to the  Customer  by the Service Provider .

7.2. Technical conditions to be provided by the Customer
In order to use the  Service Provider’s services , the  Customer must have a suitable hardware and software environment. These


  1. Broadband internet connection
  2. A computer capable of running an Internet browser
  3. Internet browser (the latest version of Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Microsoft Edge browsers or earlier), the Service  Provider  informs the Customer about possible exceptions on the administration interface  .

If the  Customer  does not use one of the browsers indicated above, the Service Provider  is not obliged to correct any detected errors  , the Service Provider  does not assume responsibility for any damages  , and updating the browser is recommended as a solution to the error.

8. Data processing activity  8.1. General provisions

On the basis of Article 28 of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council – hereinafter: GDPR), the Customer as data controller  and  the  Service Provider  as data processor set out the provisions regarding the data processing legal relationship in this point. The  Customer  is considered a data controller with regard to online product sales and  service provision, while  by providing  the Service to the Customer  the Customer is considered a data processor  with regard to the personal data provided by  the Customer  with the help of the Service Provider’s services . The  Service Provider  undertakes that, as part of the  service , it performs the data processing tasks required by the GDPR and fulfills the obligations relating to the data processor. The  Service Provider  is responsible for its own data processing activities, as well as for the activities of the sub-data processors it uses. The  Service Provider  may appoint a data management officer, whose person is named in its current Data Management information.

8.2. Scope of processed data, purpose and duration of data processing

The  Service Provider  carries out data processing activities with regard to visitor, customer and other user data requested within the framework of the Services. The scope of the data  is specified by the Customer  using the Service’s administrative settings. The scope of the data and the purpose of the data processing is published in the  Customer’s  own Data Management Information. The  Service Provider  carries out data processing activities within the scope of the Subscriber Agreement, until the end of the subscription period.

8.3. Participation in the exercise of stakeholder rights

With regard to personal data,  the  Service Provider  is obliged to provide the Customer with the exercise of data protection rights in accordance with the data protection rules in force at all times (for example, restriction, correction, access, deletion, data portability, etc.) and is obliged to assist the Customer with  appropriate organizational and technical measures to stretch. If the  Customer  orders the correction, deletion, destruction of data, limitation of data management, data storage in writing, the  Service Provider  is obliged to do so.

8.4. Customer’s right of instruction

The  Service Provider  acknowledges and expressly accepts that it is entitled to perform its data management and data processing activities in accordance with this contract only and exclusively on the basis of the  Customer’s  instructions and this contract. The  Service Provider  is not entitled to dispose of the data affected by the processing independently, according to its own decision, nor is it entitled to change, connect, use or manage them in any way without the  Customer’s  instructions. Pursuant to clause 14 of these  GTC  , the  Service Provider  is entitled to archive and delete the data affected by the processing.

8.5. Rights and obligations of the service provider

  1. In the event of a data protection incident, the  Service Provider  is obliged to assist the  Customer as a data controller in fulfilling its data controller obligations related to the handling of the incident. In the event of a data protection incident,  the  Service Provider  is obliged to report the data protection incident to the Customer immediately, but no later than within 48 hours of becoming aware of the data protection incident, and is obliged to  inform the Customer at the same time of the nature of the data protection incident, the categories and number of persons affected by it, the persons affected by the incident the categories and number of data, the likely consequences of the data protection incident, the measures taken or planned by the  Service Provider  to remedy the data protection incident, including the measures taken to mitigate possible adverse consequences of the incident.
  2. The  Service Provider  undertakes to  delete all personal data processed by it on the basis of this contract upon termination of the provision of data processing services  performed in accordance with this contract, or upon termination of this contract. The  Service Provider’s  obligation to delete does not apply to data whose storage is required by Hungarian or European Union legislation. According to point 14.4 of  these  GTC  , the  Service Provider  may archive the data for the legitimate interests of the Customer  , but may not process them further.
  3. The  Service Provider  undertakes to keep a record of all data management activities carried out within its scope of responsibility pursuant to Article 30 of the GDPR, fully and fully complying with the criteria contained in points (1) a)-g) of Article 30 of the GDPR. The  Service Provider  declares that it is aware that, pursuant to the relevant legislation, it bears sole responsibility for any possible omissions or breaches of obligations related to its record-keeping obligations.
  4. The  Customer  gives the  Service Provider a general authorization to use a sub-data processor. The  Customer  is not entitled to object to the used sub-data processor. The  Service Provider  is obliged to enter into a data processing contract with the used sub-data processors. The  Service Provider  is responsible for the used sub-data processor as if it were performing the sub-data processing itself. The  Service Provider  is not fully liable to the  Customer for the sub-data processor’s violation of the law, breach of contract and any omissions, but in the event of an incident, it is obliged to act fully in the manner specified in the points above. The  Service Provider  is only entitled to use a sub-data processor that complies with  the provisions of the GDPR and these GTC  relating to the data processor, with particular regard to, but not limited to, data security requirements.

8.6. Confidentiality obligation

The  Service Provider  undertakes a confidentiality obligation for its employees, agents, fulfillment assistants, and senior officials participating in the data processing activity regarding the personal data handled as part of its data processing activity.

8.7. Ensuring data security

The  Service Provider  undertakes to apply appropriate technical and organizational measures, taking into account the state of science and technology and the costs of implementation, as well as the nature, scope, circumstances and purposes of data management, as well as the varying probability and severity of the risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons. covering the entire scope of its data processing activities, and that with these measures it helps the Customer to the fullest extent possible  in fulfilling its obligations towards the data subjects of the processed data, related to the exercise of the data subjects’ rights of self-determination. The  Service Provider  is obliged to protect the data with appropriate measures, in particular against unauthorized or illegal access, change, transmission, disclosure, loss, deletion or destruction, as well as against accidental destruction, alteration and damage, as well as inaccessibility resulting from changes in the technology used. The  Service Provider  is obliged to handle the data using a level of data security in accordance with the current best industry practice, GDPR, current Hungarian legislation, this contract and any other data protection and data security legislation. In the event of data loss due to the fault of  the  Service Provider  , the Service Provider  is obliged to restore the data free of charge. If the loss of data  occurred solely for reasons attributable to  the Customer , the Service Provider  may charge a fee for restoring the data.

9. Intellectual property rights
The graphic and content elements that make up the public, promotional and administrative interface that is part of the  service  , as well as the corresponding source codes,  are the property of the Service Provider  . Copying it in whole or in part is possible only with the written permission of the  Service Provider  .

All other protected intellectual works made available or transferred as part of the  service  (in particular, patents, know-how or works of authorship) are the property of the  Service Provider  or its partners, and the Customer  acquires non-exclusive right of use  for them  for the duration of the service contract and the  service i in exchange for fees. The rights of use only cover the use and utilization of the  service  , but do not include the right to modify, sublicense, or distribute intellectual works.

The customer accepts that the  Service Provider  may use its name and logo as a reference on its own websites, and may present the  public interfaces  of the service used by  the Customer  as a sample to other Customers . The  Customer  can ask the service provider to refrain from this activity.

The service provider  reserves all rights not expressly granted.

10. Vis major

Force majeure is any extraordinary event that occurs after the conclusion of the contract and makes its fulfillment impossible, which the contracting parties could not have foreseen or avoided, and which cannot be traced back to the blameworthy behavior of either party. Such events can be, in particular: state of emergency, strike, war, revolution, terrorist acts, natural disaster, fire, flood, epidemic, quarantine restrictions, transport embargo, etc. In case of force majeure, both parties are released from the obligation to fulfill the contract, this time is not included in the availability assumed by the Service Provider.

11. Customer service

The primary method of communication between  the  Service Provider  and the  Customer  is electronic correspondence between the customer service email address published on  the Service Provider’s website and the Customer’s contact email address , as well as the error reporting form available on the administration interface.

The  Service Provider  also operates a telephone customer service, but in a form different from the primary methods, the  Service Provider  is not obliged  to receive inquiries from or provide information to the Customer for reasons of identification and security.

In the event of an error report,  the letter sent by the Customer  (or the notification made on the error reporting interface) must contain all the circumstances and time of the detection of the error. If the error cannot be identified or reproduced based on the notification, the  Service Provider  will not treat the request as a notification of error.

The  Service Provider  files notifications received from the  Customer no later than the working day following the notification. After registration – if the cause of the report is  a service error – the  Service Provider  will respond within 4 hours in urgent matters that critically affect normal operation (e.g. preventing sales), and in other cases within 3 working days, and at the same time begin to identify the error and if the  Service Provider  is responsible for correcting the error, then eliminating the error. The Service Provider  provides information  about the troubleshooting process and successful troubleshooting  through the customer service, if the Customer  requests it.

If the  Customer has an overdue debt, the  Service Provider  is entitled to suspend the customer service activities provided to the  Customer  .

If the  Customer  reports an error caused by himself/herself due  to improper use of  the service , the Service Provider  may charge an additional fee for its elimination. If the customer reports a perceived error that does not exist, the  Service Provider  may charge an additional fee for its investigation.

12. Dealing with consumer complaints
The following provisions are applicable only  in the case of a Customer  who is considered a consumer .

12.1. Place, time, and method of handling complaints
The customer 
 can submit consumer objections related to  the product or the  Service Provider  ‘s activities to the Service Provider’s  contact details indicated in point 2.

The service provider  will remedy the verbal complaint immediately, if he has the opportunity to do so. If it is not possible to remedy the verbal complaint immediately, due to the nature of the complaint or if the  Customer  does not agree with the handling of the complaint, the  Service Provider  is obliged to consider its handling. The Service Provider declares that it is in its business interest to serve the Customer’s needs.

In the event of a written complaint, the  Service Provider  acts according to the relevant rules.
The service provider  shall respond to the complaint received in writing within 30 days. According to this contract, the measure means a complaint made in the form of electronic correspondence and its handling.
If the complaint is rejected,  the Service Provider  will inform the Customer electronically of the reason for the rejection  .

12.2. Other legal enforcement options
If  any consumer dispute between  the Service Provider  and the  Customer  is not settled during negotiations with  the Service Provider , what legal enforcement options are open to the Customer  :

A. Filing a complaint with the consumer protection authority,

B. Conciliation board proceedings can be initiated at the following bodies:
Bács-Kiskun County Conciliation Board (Address: 6000 Kecskemét, Árpád krt. 4., Telephone number: (76) 501-525, (76) 501-500, Fax number: ( 76) 501-538, E-mail address:  [email protected] )
Baranya County Conciliation Board (Address: 7625 Pécs, Majorossy Imre u. 36, Telephone number: (72) 507-154, Fax number: (72 ) 507-152, E-mail address:  [email protected] )
Békés County Conciliation Board (Address: 5601 Békéscsaba, Penza ltp. 5., Phone number: (66) 324-976, 446-354, 451-775, Fax number: (66) 324-976, E-mail address:  [email protected] )
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Conciliation Board (Address: 3525 Miskolc, Szentpáli u. 1., Phone number: (46) 501-091, 501 -870, Fax number: (46) 501-099, E-mail address:  [email protected] )
Budapest Conciliation Board (Address: 1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99., Telephone number: (1) 488-2131, Fax number: (1) 488-2186, E-mail address:  [email protected] )
Csongrád County Conciliation Board (Address: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Hosszúsétátér 4-6., Phone number: (22) 510-310, Fax number : (22) 510-312, E-mail address:  [email protected] )
Győr-Moson-Sopron County Conciliation Board (Address: 9021 Győr, Szent István út 10/a., Telephone number: (96) 520-202; 520-217, Fax number: (96) 520-218, E-mail address:  [email protected] )
Hajdú-Bihar County Conciliation Board (Address: 4025 Debrecen, Petőfi tér 10., Phone number: (52) 500-749 , Fax number: (52) 500-720, E-mail address:  [email protected] ) Heves County Conciliation Board (Address: 3300 Eger, Faiskola út 15., Mailing address: 3301 Eger, Pf. 440., Telephone number: (36) 416-660/105 extension, Fax number: (36) 323-615, E-mail address:  [email protected] )

Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Conciliation Board (Address: 5000 Szolnok, Verseghy park 8., Telephone number: (56) 510-610, Fax number: (56) 370-005, E-mail address:  [email protected] )
Komárom – Esztergom County Conciliation Board (Address: 2800 Tatabánya, Fő tér 36., Telephone number: (34) 513-010, Fax number: (34) 316-259, E-mail address:  [email protected] )

Nógrád County Conciliation Board (Address: 3100 Salgótarján, Alkotmány út 9/a, Telephone number: (32) 520-860, Fax number: (32) 520-862, E-mail address: [email protected] ) Pest County  Conciliation Board (Address: 1119 Budapest, Etele út 59-61. 2. em. 240., Phone number: (1)-269-0703, Fax number: (1)-269-0703, E-mail address:  [email protected] )
Somogy County Conciliation Board (Address: 7400 Kaposvár, Anna utca 6., Telephone number: (82) 501-000, Fax number: (82) 501-046, E-mail address: [email protected] ) Szabolcs  – Szatmár- Bereg County Conciliation Board (Address: 4400 Nyíregyháza, Széchenyi u. 2, Telephone number: (42) 311-544, (42) 420-180, Fax number: (42) 311-750, E-mail address: bekelteto@  szabkam .hu )

Tolna County Conciliation Board (Address: Arany J. u. 23-25, 7100 Szekszárd, Telephone number: (74) 411-661, Fax number: (74) 411-456, E-mail address:  [email protected] )
Vas County Conciliation Board (Address: 9700 Szombathely, Honvéd tér 2., Phone number: (94) 312-356, Fax number: (94) 316-936, E-mail address:  [email protected] )

Veszprém County Conciliation Board (Address: 8200 Veszprém, Radnóti tér 1., Telephone number: 88/429-008 or 88/814-111 (VKIK), Fax number: 88/412-150 (VKIK fax number), E-mail address:  [email protected] )
Zala County Conciliation Board (Address: 8900 Zalaegerszeg, Petőfi utca 24., Telephone number: (92) 550-513, Fax number: (92) 550-525, E-mail address: zmbekelteto@  zmkik .hu )

C. Initiating Legal Proceedings.

13. Affiliate Program

The  Service Provider  provides the opportunity for  registered users to recommend their services to third parties (hereinafter referred to as “Partner Program”). Companies, sole proprietors and private individuals can participate in the partner program (hereinafter “Partner”). Unless the parties have expressly stipulated otherwise in writing, participation in the Partner Program is always established for an indefinite period of time.

The Partner declares that it has a website that is suitable for displaying advertisements, or a clientele to which  it can recommend the service . Customers mediated by the Partner  are identified by the  Service Provider  by entering a referral code. Customer  mediation in other ways  is outside the scope of the Partner Program and is not subject to the conditions of the Partner Program. The Partner is not entitled to conclude a subscription contract with the mediated customer.

The Partner is entitled to a specified one-time business acquisition commission from the net total amount of the invoices paid within a specified period of time after the first order of the mediated customer. The initial commission rate is 10%, the initial commission payment period is 45 days. The Partner can find out about the current amount of the commission and the current length of the commission payment period on the internal interface of the Partner Program.

The parties agree that if the mediated  Customer  enters into a contract with the Service Provider after the Partner’s participation in the Partner Program  , the (former) Partner is not entitled to a commission.

The commission can be used to settle the fees related to the  Service Provider’s services , i.e. it can be exchanged for a fee discount.

Considering that the commission is a one-time commission and goes to the Partner immediately after the conclusion of the contract with the mediated client, the parties declare that the Civil Code. 6:298. The Partner is not entitled to compensation according to § in the event of termination of his participation in the Partner Program.

The Partner declares that content that violates the law, contains pornographic content, offends public taste, good morals, offends certain ethnic, religious, national, political or other groups, is harmful to the rights or legitimate interests of the Service Provider, is technically malfunctioning  or  has no content, or does not display referral ads on websites that do not work, contain viruses, spyware or other unsolicited software and support illegal activities. The Partner declares that the referral code will only  be provided  to the prospective Client in a way that does not violate the law and does not violate the legitimate interests of the Service Provider  .

If the exclusion reason occurs after the establishment of the contractual legal relationship or the  Service Provider becomes aware of it , it is entitled to exclude the Partner from the Partner Program with immediate effect after the reason has occurred or after becoming aware of it, as well as withdraw the payment of the accumulated commission and the right to use it. In order to enforce this, you are entitled to check and examine the Partner’s website at any time.

14. Termination of contract, limitation of services

14.1. Termination by Customer

If the  Customer  wishes to terminate the use of the  service  , he may give notice without reason on the last day of the fee payment period. It is possible for the  Customer  to terminate the  service with immediate effect without giving any reason. In the latter case, the remaining time-proportional fee will not be refunded, and the  Customer  cannot demand this.

If  the performance of the service  fails due to no fault of  the Service Provider  , the  Service Provider  shall proceed with immediate termination.

The Customer  may use extraordinary notice if the  Service Provider  raises the subscription fee in cases or reasons other than the cases of unilateral fee increases specified here, or restricts or cancels the  service without authorization, or  reduces the functions of  the service to a disadvantage for the Customer  . In this case, the  Customer  can claim back the time-proportioned subscription fee that has already been paid until the deadline.

The Customer  can indicate the termination  at the customer service email address or  on the administration interface provided for this purpose by the Service Provider  .

14.2. Termination and restriction by the service provider

14.2.1. Restriction

In case of breach of contract by  the Customer  , the  Service Provider  is entitled  to limit the operation of any service  used by  the Customer  at the same time as a prior notification sent to the  Customer’s contact email address . The notification must state the reason for the restriction and the grace period that the  Service Provider  provides to the  Customer  to remedy the breach of contract situation. Instead of immediate termination, the  Service Provider  is entitled to apply a restriction based on a unilateral decision. If the grace period specified in the notice elapses without result, the  Service Provider  is entitled to terminate the contract with immediate effect.

14.2.2. Immediate termination
In particular (but not exclusively) in the following cases, the  Service Provider  is entitled to terminate the  service with immediate effect, regardless of whether it  happened with or without the knowledge of the Customer  :

  1. In case of payment delay exceeding 7 days. Based on the rules for individual domain endings, in case of 1-day payment delay.
  2. In the  service , the  Customer  displays or sells a product or service that violates the law  , or sells or displays it in a way that violates the law, or chooses such a domain name, or violates the rights of a third party with the display or sale.
  3. The  Customer  displays incorrect company data in the  service , is under liquidation or bankruptcy proceedings.
  4. Criminal proceedings related to the  Customer are initiated, or in the event of a mass complaint.
  5. In the event of displaying violent, racist, inciting, offensive content.
  6. In case of displaying content classified as deceptive, manipulative, harmful or dangerous.
  7. In case of hacking of any of the hosting  services ( website , e-mail account, etc.) or their use for illegal activities.
  8. In case of sending bulk unsolicited e-mails (SPAM).
  9. The content placed by  the Customer  on the Service Provider  ‘s servers or on the servers mediated by  the Customer  , the activities carried out by the Customer or the activities indirectly caused by them and experienced by other Internet users endanger  the functionality and security of the Service Provider  ‘s servers and network, including a higher than average load on the servers and the network also the case of the reason for  the service .
  10. In case of displaying any content or activity that damages the good reputation of the  Service Provider  or the  service  .
  11. In case of displaying or advertising any competing products or  services of the  Service  Provider  or the  service.
  12. In case of force majeure exceeding 60 days.

If the  Service Provider  cancels  the Customer’s service for the above reasons  , the Customer  is not entitled to compensation or reimbursement of the subscription fee, and  may not demand the service or the  stored data related to  the service from the Service Provider .

14.2.3. Regular termination
The  Service Provider  is entitled to terminate the contract on the due date or  to refuse to provide the service  , especially (but not exclusively) in the following cases:

  1. The service  provided to  the  Customer  causes an economic disadvantage for the  Service Provider  , or the  Service Provider  ceases to provide the service  to all of its customers or a specific group of them  .
  2. If the  Customer’s  needs related to  the  service , which are not part of the service  , cannot be met.
  3. An irreconcilable position between the  Service Provider  and the  Client  on professional issues.

The  Service Provider  sends the notification of the restriction and termination to the  Customer’s  contact e-mail address.

14.3. Termination by the consumer (if the Customer is considered a consumer)

In the case of a  contract for the provision of  services  , in the case of a contract for the provision of services  (sales of services  ), the consumer  is entitled to withdraw from the contract without giving any reason within fourteen days from the date of conclusion of the contract.

However, the Consumer is not entitled to the right of withdrawal  in the case of a contract for the provision of  services  , if the Service Provider  has started performance with the express prior consent of the  Consumer  before the expiration of the 14-day notice period.

If the  Consumer  does not agree to the  Service Provider  providing the Service before the end of the 14 days, the  Consumer has the right to cancel. In this case, the  Consumer  must send a clear statement of his intention to cancel (by post, fax or electronic mail)  to  the Service Provider  using the contact details indicated in point 2 of  these General Terms and Conditions  . The consumer  exercises his right of termination within a time limit if he sends his statement to the  Service Provider  before the expiration of the above-mentioned time limit .

The  Consumer bears the burden of proving that he has exercised his right of termination in accordance with the provisions set forth in this point.

In both cases, the  Service Provider  will immediately confirm receipt of the  Consumer’s  notice of termination by e-mail.

In the case of notification by post, the  Service Provider  takes into account the date of mailing, and in the case of notification via e-mail or fax, the time of sending the e-mail or fax for the calculation of the deadline. The  Consumer  sends the letter as registered mail so that the date of posting can be reliably proven.

If  the Consumer  exercises his right of termination,  the Service Provider  shall immediately, but no later than  within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Consumer’s  cancellation statement, refund all services provided by the User .

During the refund, the Service Provider uses a payment method identical to the payment method used during the original transaction  , unless  the Consumer  expressly consents to the use of another payment method; due to the application of this refund method, the  Consumer will not be charged any additional costs.

If the  Consumer  has agreed to the  Service Provider  starting to provide the Service to him before the end of the 14 days and still wishes to use his right of termination after the start of performance, the  Consumer  is obliged to pay a proportionate fee for using the  service  . This proportional fee  is deducted from the fee paid by  the Consumer  to the Service Provider  . In this case, the  Service Provider  will only refund the amount reduced by the proportional fee to the User within 14 days. The amount to be paid proportionately by  the  Consumer  is calculated by the Service  Provider based on the total amount of the fee for the given service plus tax . However, if the  Consumer  proves that the total amount is excessively high, the proportional amount  must be calculated based on the market value of the services performed up to the date of termination of the contract. When determining the market value, the consideration for the same service at the time of the conclusion of the contract must be taken into account by enterprises performing the same activity  .

14.4. Consequences of termination
When the contract is terminated or restricted, the  service becomes immediately unavailable. After termination,  the  Service Provider  is entitled to delete the Customer’s  data,  service  content and information.
The  Customer  is obliged to save all important data before termination. The  Service Provider  assumes no responsibility for failure to do so.

When services are deleted, the  Service Provider  may archive the content of the  service . The  Customer  may request the cancellation of the cancellation of the service, however, the  Service  Provider does not guarantee the fulfillment of this, and  the  Customer  may not make a claim for compensation in this regard. The Service Provider  is entitled to charge a fee for revocation or release of data  .

14.5. Amendment of the contract
The  Service Provider  reserves the right  to unilaterally amend the GTC  with non-retroactive effect.

The Service Provider  also reserves the right to unilaterally amend the contract concluded on the basis of the order  in the case of the applicable fees or if the reason for the amendment of the  service , expansion or reduction of functions is determined. If the amendment affects an issue or provision that the parties have not regulated in the  General Terms and Conditions , or that have been regulated differently, the  Customer , if he does not agree with the amendment, may terminate the contract with the date of entry into force of the amendment. Fees already paid for the period after the date of entry into force of the amendment will be refunded.

The Service Provider  will notify the Customer of the changes  at least 14 days in advance  in a message sent to the contact e-mail.

14.6. Modification of the Contracting Customer

The  Customer  can notify the Service Provider of the change request of the contracting party  on the administration interface or from the  contact email address . The  Service Provider  14.1. acts according to the immediate termination provided  in paragraph  4.1. a new contract is created according to paragraph The  service and the data, settings and contents recorded in them do not change.

15. Other fees

Each package contains a predetermined number of emails ( The fees for SMS and other services are subject to additional charges, which the Customer can find out about on the following interface:

The Service Provider charges an additional 27% VAT and a 23% transaction cost on the prices displayed on Twillio.

The number of emails defined in the packages is calculated in such a way that, depending on the package chosen, the Service Provider makes a gross amount of 10 / 15 / 100 dollars available in the Customer’s account every month, which can be used either for emails or for other services of your choice (SMS campaigns, Artificial Intelligence transactions, Email verification, WordPress storage, etc…)

In any case, individual services can be requested from the Service Provider upon separate request.

The Service Provider is obliged to inform the Customer of the current rates for the ordered service.

By ordering the Service, the Customer also accepts the specified prices.

16. Other provisions

The parties are mutually obliged to inform each other immediately after becoming aware of any circumstances that arise after the conclusion of the contract that prevent the performance of the contract.

The contracting parties agree to resolve any disputes amicably through direct negotiations.
If they are unable to resolve the disputed issues related to domain delegation, they submit to the decision of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Forum and acknowledge that the  Service Provider  is not responsible for the implementation of the decision made during the alternative dispute resolution.

In other cases (I) if the  Customer  is under Art. , the parties submit to  the exclusive jurisdiction of a court having jurisdiction according to the seat of the Service Provider  in relation to any kind of legal dispute , or (II) if the  Customer  is considered a consumer, the general rules of jurisdiction apply.

If  there is a discrepancy or contradiction between  these terms and conditions and the individual service contract that may have been concluded separately (e.g. based on the order), the provisions of the individual service contracts shall govern.

The provisions of the Civil Code govern matters not regulated in these  GTC .

Dated:  Budapest, 12.08.2022. Entry into force:  12.08.2022.

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